As we head into Christmas weekend and towards the New Year, we want to take a moment to look back on some of the successes we have participated in during 2016.  The non-profit organizations we have donated to and volunteered for, the fundraisers we have helped with matching funds and the amazing residents of the East Bay that we are proud to call neighbors and friends have all blended together for what we call #REKindness.


“Whether it is one of our Berkeley Hills Realty agents supporting a local cause they believe in or our entire office being a food drop off for the local food bank, or going into classrooms to help local students, we are proud to say that kindness comes first for our entire team”, stated Tracy Sichterman, Broker, Berkeley Hills Realty.


Here is a look at some of the successes that have arisen out of need, tragedy or supporting a great idea! Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and may we continue to realize how blessed we are with where we live!


The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano

The Food Bank provides food to more than 190,000 people every month in our community.  20 million pounds of food was distributed last year with more than half of that as fresh fruits and vegetables. The Food Bank distributes food directly to low-income people at community sites and make food available for other nonprofit organizations serving the ill, needy and infants. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, hundreds of volunteers help raise funds and donate food.


Book Buddy Project:

The Realtors at Berkeley Hills Realty contribute to Wilson School in Richmond by donating books to the classrooms and being Pen Pals to the children at the school to boost their literacy and writing skills. The Realtors find this to be one of the most rewarding ways to help the community since its a hands on group effort.  For the holidays our Realtor team members are invited into the classroom to help with holiday cooking decorating.  We love the cookie decorating party and having the opportunity to meet with our book buddies.


The Ghost Ship Fire

The huge outpouring of support for the victims and their families of the deadly Ghost Ship fire in Oakland earlier this month raised more than $1.6 million through online fundraisers and numerous concerts, sales and events. Fundraisers have also been set up to specifically assist the people displaced by the fire and others to help roommates and friends of the victims cover bills or take time off of work to grieve. Events haven’t been limited to the Bay Area. Fundraisers are planned as far away as Germany and across the U.S., including in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Oklahoma, Des Moines in Iowa, Portland in Oregon, Fresno, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego.


Happy Holidays!