Do you have pets? Do you have a plan in place in case of an emergency or natural disaster to make sure your pets are safe?

As you are aware, the East Bay has had its share of “no time to think” occurences from fires to earthquakes and families can suffer their own personal tragedy, like a house fire, where pets are trapped in a home.

Here are steps you can take today to provide security for your pet moving forward.

Buy a Pet Rescue Alert Sticker 

These stickers alert first responders what pets live inside your home. Make the sticker visible by placing it near or on your front door. It should include the types of animals inside, as well as the name and number of your vet.

You can purchase stickers at Petco stores and online

Ensure Your Pet is Easily Identifiable 

Scared pets run. Have your pet microchipped and make sure that you not only keep your address and phone number up-to-date, but that you also include contact info for an emergency contact outside of your immediate area. Pets should also have information on a collar.

Be Aware of Favorite Hiding Places 

If you have to get out in an emergency, make sure you are aware of all the places your pets are most likely to hide so you can find them and evacuate quickly.

Practice Routes of Escape 

Make sure you have an emergency plan – identify points of quick exit in your home and do a dry run with your pet.

Keep a leash and an emergency kit near the exit of your house.

Make a pet emergency kit. For what you need, here is a link to the CDC’s suggestions:

Other helpful suggestions:

  • Know your vet’s contact Info
  • Have a current photo of you and your pet(s) for identification purposes.
  • Identify shelters in advance that will allow your pets.

“Having recently adopted a Siberian Husky from foster care, I want to keep her safe, especially in the event of an emergency”, Tracy Sichterman, Broker/Owner of Berkeley Hills Realty who has a new eye towards keeping the newest member of her family safe. “We hope that by sharing this valuable information with our friends and clients who are pet owners, that we can help change the outcome in an emergency.”

For more tips on how to prepare your kit, has a section with more information: Caring for Animals.